Stickball Club at Kingsborough- anyone at college can play-let us know if you’d like to join in.

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A Group of dedicated Stickball Players is forming a club at KCC open to all faculty, staff, administrators and the occasional student (ringer). The club will meet either during lunch hours or after working hours by the MAC Building outdoors by the Kingsborough Stage (Rainbow Bandshell) during the spring of 2016 to play pickup games of stickball.

As most of you know Stickball is a traditional NYC game often played in Brooklyn the Bronx, and Uptown Manhattan. Played with a broomstick with black masking tape and a pink rubber “Spaldeen” or Spalding High-Bounce Ball.The rules are very similar to baseball-except instead of bases you often use sewer lids or car tires.

The group will be informal and fun- just to organize some exercise and collegiality on our beautiful campus. The game is open to all-genders, levels of skill, even to those not from NYC.

Contact this Blogger and you will be informed of dates and times when we will be playing.
